Visiting a bariatric medical practitioner
The last of your appointments will be with a bariatric medical practitioner. They have extensive experience in all of the medical and surgical treatment options for weight management and are here to support you throughout your weight loss journey.
Your first appointment
At your first appointment they will:
- assess and document your medical history
- review your blood work, and
- coordinate specialist appointments if required (e.g. sleep test, Cardiologist, respiratory function).
You will meet with the bariatric medical practitioner again to review your progress before surgery.
Long-term follow-up
Our long-term follow-up is a major part of why our patients achieve sustained weight loss. Our bariatric medical practitioners will see you regularly after any intervention to assist and support you in your journey.
Without this long-term support and monitoring, patients who undergo bariatric surgery do not do as well as expected. Unlike other operations, bariatric surgery is just the beginning of the journey to improved health.
Other steps in the process
As well as seeing the bariatric medical practitioner, you will also need to visit other members of our team.